M. N. Choksi & Co. LLP Chartered Accountants, was founded by CA M. N. Choksi in the year 1988
as a proprietary concern, where later, CA A. P. Shirodkar and CA M. B. Karadkar joined the firm
as partners in the year 2000.
MNCC has provided professional services to a wide spectrum of clients in the field of Banking,
Insurance, and Corporate Bodies.
The long associations with a large number of clients selectively listed in the annexure detailing
the Services constitute the Firms Credentials and speaks volumes for its Consistent Quality of
value added services. MNCC's professional work is spread all over the country. Within the country MNCC reaches out
not only to the metros and large cities but even to many remote locations.
MNCC's high quality of services can be attributed to the key factor of personalized proactive
service, response to clients needs, comprehensive capabilities, regular internal reviews and
partner's contacts. The offices of the Firm are internet enabled facilitating direct contact with
the clients and better service. The Firm strives to assure client satisfaction by soliciting the
team's input to improve quality and efficiency, soliciting client feedback, facilitating
knowledge transfer to the client, facilitating quality review, identifying and communicating
additional opportunities.
MNCC's Tax Consultancy division offers a wide range of services in Tax Consultancy and Tax
Management in the field of Direct Tax Laws and Indirect Tax Laws.
MNCC maintains qualified, well trained and highly experienced staff. A very selective
recruitment process and substantial investment in training ensures that expert knowledge is
supplemented by specialist knowledge in one or more areas and is broadened into general
management skills required for services in the business environment. The Firm employs
evaluation methods for staff performance, and increments and promotions are made based on
proven evaluation methods.
MNCC's high quality of services is the outcome of hands-on involvement of seniors in all
important tasks, regular internal reviews, respect for client's knowledge, skills, and feedback,
preparedness to respond to client queries outside the formally defined scope of work and
partners contract.
MNCC is committed to excellence in professional service, education and training, fully attuned
to the evolving needs of the commercial and student community and offered through a premier
institution growing with the times and inspiring recognition and respect.